Black On Black

It never fails that at least once every Christmas holiday season I encounter an ugly parking lot “situation.” One with an angry driver or stressed out shopper just looking to vent at the most unsuspecting of person. That unfortunately would be me today. This is how it went. I was trying to find a parking […]
I am my mother’s daughter

Being honest, I must say, I use to be unapologetically against many things I saw my mother do while I was growing up. I have always said, “I will do things differently when I become a mother.” I would say things like, “How could a mother put that before her own children?” Boy, did I […]
The two-sided mirror

It broke! The darn mirror that I use every day to see the back of my head while I’m styling my hair dropped on my bathroom floor then shattered. It shattered just enough that I could still see through some of the broken pieces. Enough that I could still style my short hair — […]
The woman in need of a hug!

This story speaks volumes about how much you don’t know what others are dealing with. You must read it through to hear the moral of this story… The other day I was making my way around a parking lot snowbank in an effort to find a parking spot in this mayhem of Christmas shopping. A […]
Strength, courage and a little bit of lipstick

Throughout my nine-year journey, I’ve learned that I wasn’t born with such qualities as strength, courage, perseverance and resilience. I was put on this path in order for these qualities to be learned and ultimately relied upon in order to get to the place I am at today. Most importantly, I was meant to share […]